Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival

Mużika 2018

Din is-sena, il-mużiċist mistieden tal-Festival huwa l-kompożitur ta’ mużika elettronika Robert Farrugia. Barra minn hekk, għall-ewwel darba se jkollna trio residenti ta’ mużiċisti jazz.

Robert Farrugia is our guest musician for all three evenings, but this year there will also be a resident jazz trio on stage.

Robert Farrugia
Robert Farrugia

Robert Farrugia huwa mużiċist u kompożitur li xogħolu huwa ta’ stil primarjament elettroniku. Robert ħareġ numru ta’ albums fuq diversi labels, fosthom: Assembly Field u Whitelabrecs u riċentament fuq dik ta’ Archives. Il-mużika tiegħu huwa ta’ stil minimalistiku u l-maġġor parti tiegħu huwa bbażat fuq pjanu. Influenzi mużikali huma dawk ta’ mużika ‘ambient’ u neoklassiku; speċjalment xogħolijiet tal-mużiċist u kompożitur ‘Ólafur Arnalds’ u artisti oħra bħal ‘Stars of the Lid’ u ‘Taylor Deupree’ .

Robert Farrugia is an Ambient / Experimental/ Neoclassical artist from Malta who has released through labels such as Assembly Field, Whitelabrecs and more recently Spanish imprint Archives. Robert is a classically trained pianist although his earlier work saw him produce experimental guitar-based music before returning to focus more on piano recordings in 2013. Citing Ólafur Arnalds, Stars of the Lid and Taylor Deupree as his major influences, Robert’s work usually starts off with small motifs which are layered with a largely improvisational approach.









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