Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival
Antoine Cassar

Antoine Cassar

Kittieb Mistieden
Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta 2019

Antoine Cassar. Photo by Sunshine Coast Writers Festival.
Antoine Cassar. (Sunshine Coast Writers Festival.)

Antoine Cassar (Londra, 1978) huwa poeta u traduttur. Erbgħin Jum (40 Days, EDE, 2017), poeżija tul ta’ ktieb dwar trawmi tat-tfulija, id-dipressjoni u l-mixi bħala awtoterapija, rebħet il-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb, u tinsab fix-shortlist tal-European Poet of Freedom Award 2020. Passaport (2009), poeżija stampata f’forma ta’ anti-passaport għal kull poplu u kull pajsaġġ, hija ppubblikata fi 11-il lingwa, u ġiet adattata għall-palk f’Malta, fi Franza u fil-Belġju. Fl-2009, il-kompożizzjoni multilingwi Merħba, a poem of hospitality ngħatat il-United Planet Writing Prize.

Bħala traduttur letterarju, Cassar qaleb ix-xogħol ta’ diversi awturi Maltin, bl-Ingliż (fost l-oħrajn in-novelli ta’ Pierre J. Mejlak, rebbieħ tal-Premju tal-UE għal-Letteratura fl-2014) u bl-Ispanjol (Troyano, ta’ Alex Vella Gera, ġie ppubblikat minn Libros de mentira, iċ-Ċile, f’Mejju 2019). #FMLM2019 /

Antoine Cassar

Guest Author
Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2019

Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta 2019

Antoine Cassar (London, 1978) is a Maltese poet and translator. Erbgħin Jum (40 Days, EDE, 2017), a book-length poem about childhood trauma, depression, and walking as self-therapy, was awarded the Malta National Book Prize, and is shortlisted for the 2020 Gdánsk European Poet of Freedom award. Passaport (2009), a long poem printed in the form of an anti-passport for all peoples and all landscapes, has been published in eleven languages, and adapted for the theatre in Malta, France and Belgium. Cassar’s multilingual composition Merħba, a poem of hospitality was awarded the United Planet Writing Prize in 2009.

As a translator, Cassar has rendered the work of fellow Maltese authors into English (notably the short stories of Pierre J. Meljak, 2014 EU Prize for Literature) and Spanish (Alex Vella Gera’s Troyano was published in May 2019 by Libros de mentira, Chile). #MMLF2019 /

Din is-sena l-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta jirritorna fil-Forti Sant’Iermu, fejn fl-iljieli tat-22, 23 u 24 t’Awwissu se jlaqqgħakom mal-kittieba mistiedna bil-qari tax-xogħlijiet oriġinali tagħhom, kif ukoll permezz tal-intervisti. Se jkun hemm il-film tal-poeżija minn Malta, imsejjes fuq il-poeżija Natura Morta ta’ Joe Friggieri, kif ukoll films magħmulin lil hinn minn xtutna.

Il-festival hu ferm ikbar, però, minn dak li jseħħ matul dawk it-tlitt ijiem, u jiġbor fi ħdanu sensiela ta’ avvenimenti li jibdew fi ftit ġimgħat. Segwu dan is-sit u l-paġni tagħna fuq Facebook u Instagram għal iktar informazzjoni. #FMLM2019

This year’s Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival will be returning home to Fort St Elmo, Valletta, for the nights of 22, 23 and 24 August. The guest authors will be reading their original work, and you will get to know them better through the Q&As. The Poetry on Film series will be reprised with a short based on Joe Friggieri’s poem Natura Morta, which will also be joined by other films from abroad.

Whilst the culmination will be on those three days, the festival is actually so much than that. A series of events leading up to the festival, will be starting in a few weeks; stay tuned to this website, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date. #MMLF2019


  1. Pingback: Il-Kittieba Mistiedna 2019 - INIZJAMED

  2. Pingback: Il-Programm tal-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta 2019 - INIZJAMED

  3. Pingback: The Full Programme for the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2019 - INIZJAMED

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