Inizjamed qed tieħu sehem fil-festival virtwali tal-poeżija tat-tama mtella’ minn Versopolis mill-24 sat-30 t’April 2020. Iktar dettalji u ħoloq hawn taħt.
Inizjamed is participating in the online festival of the poetry of hope, organised by Versopolis, between 24 and 30 April 2020. Links and details below.

English version below.
“Nittama… Nittamaw…”
Kemm-il diskursata, messaġġ, ittre jew ittra li rċevejt jew bgħatt f’dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat bdew b’dawk il-kelmiet? It-tama hi l-aħħar ħaġa li tibqa’ fil-kaxxa ta’ Pandora wara li minnha jitħarrab il-ħażen. It-tama hi l-qofol tal-ħsieb ta’ ġejjieni differenti, aħjar, fl-iktar żmenijiet ibsin u imprevedibbli.
Versopolis, pjattaforma ta’ tletin-il festival Ewropew tal-poeżija, flimkien ma’ Versopolis Review, ir-rivista Ewropea dwar il-kultura u l-istudji umanistiċi, qed ittella’ l-Festival tat-Tama – inizjattiva virtwali li tiġbor fi ħdanha diversi aspetti, forom u manifestazzjonijiet tal-poeżija li titkellem fuq it-tama. Inizjamed u l-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta ġew mistiedna biex jieħdu sehem, u bħala kontribut aħna bgħatna filmati tat-tliet poeti Maltin mistiedna għall-edizzjoni tal-Festival tal-2020 – Leanne Ellul, John Portelli u Miriam Calleja – kif ukoll dewqa tal-Festival tagħna permezz tal-filmati tal-intervisti li saru waqt l-edizzjoni tas-sena l-oħra, lil Antoine Cassar (minn Simona Cassano) u lil Eric Ngalle Charles (minn Alexandra Büchler).
Tistgħu issegwu l-Festival tat-Tama, u taraw il-filmati, minn dawn il-ħoloq:
“I hope… We hope…”
Many conversations, messages, emails or letters sent to you or by you in the last months begin with these words. Hope is the final, ultimate aspiration that stays caught in Pandora’s box after all evil is being released. Hope is a key concept of imagining a different, a better future in the most difficult, unpredictable and challenging times.
Versopolis, a platform of 30 European poetry festivals, along with Versopolis Review, the pan-European magazine of culture and the humanities, is organising the Festival of Hope – a virtual initiative dedicated to the poetry of hope in its various aspects, forms and manifestations. Inizjamed and the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival have been invited to take part; we have sent clips featuring the three Maltese poets selected for the 2020 edition of the Festival – Leanne Ellul, John Portelli and Miriam Calleja – along with a taste of last year’s edition with video recordings of the interviews held with Antoine Cassar (by Simona Cassano) and Eric Ngalle Charles (by Alexandra Büchler).
You can follow the Festival of Hope, and watch the videos, from the following links: