Inizjamed se ttella’ s-sbatax-il edizzjoni tal-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta, li se jikkonkludi b’żewġt iljieli fil-Forti Sant’Iermu, il-Belt Valletta.
F’kull lejla, erba’ awturi mistiedna se jaqraw ix-xogħlijiet tagħhom, flimkien mat-traduzzjonijiet tagħhom li ħadmu fuqhom matul il-workshop tat-traduzzjoni.
Il-letteratura se tkun imżewqa mal-mużika tal-bands mistiedna u l-mużiċisti residenti. Mallia & D’Amato Booksellers se jkollhom kotba tal-awturi mistiedna u oħrajn għall-bejgħ. Kixott u Healthylicious by Stef se jipprovdu l-ikel u x-xorb.
Wara l-encore tas-Sibt, bħala xi ħaġa ġdida, DJ Bob, li ħafna jafuh permezz ta’ Spots & Stripes se joffrilna l-mużika biex niċċaqalqu u ngawdu ftit sigħat oħra fil-Forti Sant’Iermu.
Inizjamed qed ittella’ dan il-Festival bl-appoġġ tal-Kunsill Malti għall-Arti. Il-Festival qed jikkollabora wkoll ma’ Creative Europe Desk – Malta, il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb, Heritage Malta u Literature Across Frontiers. Dan il-Festival huwa rikonoxxut internazzjonalment permezz tat-timbru tal-EFFE Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe.
Inizjamed will be holding the 17th edition of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival, which will culminate over two evenings at Fort St Elmo, Valletta.
Each evening, four invited authors will read their works and the translations they have worked upon during the workshop.
Literature will be accompanied by the music of the guest bands and resident musicians. Mallia & D’Amato Booksellers will be selling books, including those of the invited authors, while Healthylicious by Stef and Kixott will provide the food and drinks.
There will be a new treat this year: after the encore on Saturday, DJ Bob of Spots & Stripes fame will take to the turntables and will make us dance on into the night at Fort St Elmo.
The Festival is supported by Arts Council Malta. The Festival is also collaborating with Creative Europe Desk – Malta, the National Book Council, Heritage Malta and Literature Across Frontiers. The Festival has been given an international accreditation by the EFFE Europe for Festival, Festival for Europe trademark.
Programm / Programme
26 ta’ Awwissu
Claudio Pozzani (poeżija);
Antoinette Borg (proża);
The Velts (mużika);
Aleks Farrugia (proża);
Bella Cox (poeżija).
27 ta’ Awwissu
Julia Musakovska (poeżija);
Jacobo Bergareche (proża);
The New Victorians (mużika);
Lamis Saidi (poeżija);
Adrian Grima (poeżija);
DJ Bob.