Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival
Palk Ħieles / Open Mic ma’ David Aloisio – 16 ta’ Frar 2023

Palk Ħieles / Open Mic ma’ David Aloisio – 16 ta’ Frar 2023

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Text in English below.

Reġa’ wasal il-Palk Ħieles

Ingħaqdu magħna għal serata oħra ta’ Palk Ħieles organizzata minn Inizjamed. Ejjew u aqraw, irrakkontaw, esebixxu jew doqqu xi ħaġa oriġinali. Magħna se jkun hemm il-mistieden speċjali David Aloisio.

Niltaqgħu dalwaqt!

David Aloisio

David Aloisio

Għal David il-letteratura qisha kejk magħmula mill-ingredjenti favoriti tiegħu; fosthom hemm il-lingwa Maltija, il-fantasija, il-psikoloġija, l-istorja, l-annimali, il-filosofija u t-teoloġija. Matul il-kumplament ta’ ħajtu jixtieq ikompli jistudja kif jitħalltu dawn l-ingredjenti, kemm biex ikompli jwettaq ix-xogħol tant għal qalbu ta’ lettur tal-Malti, kif ukoll biex hu stess ikompli jikteb il-letteratura.

The Open Mic is back

Join us for another Open Mic evening organised by Inizjamed. Come and read, tell a story, exhibit or play something original. We’ll be joined by our special guest David Aloisio.

See you soon!

David Aloisio

David sees literature just like a cake baked from his favourite ingredients: the Maltese language, fantasy, psychology, history, animals, philosophy and theology. In the years ahead, he would like to keep on studying how best to mix these ingredients so that, on the one hand, he may keep on doing the work that he loves so much — as Maltese lecturer, and on the other, so that he may keep on writing literature.

Aġġornamenti / Updates:

Post / Venue: Marilù’s, 66-68 Pjazza San Nikola, is-Siġġiewi

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