Free storytelling workshop for immigrants living in Malta, with Eric Ngalle Charles, a Cameroonian writer, poet, playwright, and human rights activist based in Wales. On 29 & 30 April 2023. Book now on info@inizjamed.org or 79728891.
Eric is also a Ph.D. researcher at King’s College London, and was awarded a Creative Wales Award in 2017 for his work on migration, trauma, and memory. His autobiography I, Eric Ngalle: One Man’s Journey Crossing Continents from Africa to Europe (Parthian, 2019), recounts his journey to Europe, spending several years in Russia and elsewhere seeking refuge. He sat on boards at Literature Wales and Aberystwyth Arts Centre and edited Hiraeth Erzolirzoli: A Wales-Cameroon Anthology (2018). His poetry collection Homelands (Seren Books, 2022) was published in April.
Watch Eric’s interview by Alexandra Büchler during the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2019, here: