Ġimgħa ilu, dal-ħin, konna qed inħejju għall-palk ħieles. Il-laboratorju tat-traduzzjoni kien spiċċa, il-masterclass ma’ Joelle Taylor ġenġlitna waħda nobis, il-kbira Michelle kienet qed tħejji ikel bnin, u fil-pjazza, kien hemm dak l-elettriku fl-arja li jgħidilna li n-nuqqas ta’ rqad u x-xogħol bla heda, kien fl-aħħar se jħalli l-frott. U xi frott kien… waħda mill-iktar edizzjonijiet tal-Festival għal qalbna. Grazzi kbira wisq lill-parteċipanti kollha, lill-voluntiera tagħna, lill-ħaddiema u fornituri, lill-imsieħba u sponsors, u lil dawk li ħadmu qatigħ biex il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta jkun dak li hu. Narawkom is-sena d-dieħla!
A week ago, round about now, we were putting together the last touches for the open mic. The translation workshops had been wrapped up, and we were still reeling from the masterclass with Joelle Taylor. The amazing Michelle was preparing the divine meals we had this year, and at St Elmo, there was the buzz in the air that told us that all of the hard work and sleepless nights, were finally going to bear their fruit. And what fruit it was… one of the best editions ever of the Festival. Profound thanks go out to all of our guests and participants, our volunteers, our workers and suppliers, our partners and sponsors, and all of those who worked so, so hard to make the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival what it was, what it is, and what we want it to keep on being. See you next year!