Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival


Palk Ħieles mal-Victor Pasmore Gallery

English text below.

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Victor Pasmore Gallery (il-Belt) u Inizjamed ingħaqdu għal sensiela ta’ palkijiet ħielsa li bdew fl-2024, ispirati mix-xogħlijiet ta’ Victor Pasmore. Ix-xogħol ta’ Victor Pasmore se jixpruna xogħol ieħor, se jservi ta’ ispirazzjoni għal tema li l-pubbliku ġenerali hu mistieden jingaġġa magħha.

Fiż-żmien li qatta’ Malta (1966–1998), minbarra l-esplorazzjoni artistika viżiva, Victor Pasmore ttanta jħażżeż u beda jikteb il-poeżija—versi, kultant maħluqa, kultant misjuba, li eventwalment integrahom mal-pitturi tiegħu, mal-prints, u mal-pubblikazzjonijiet. Il-kontenut ta’ dawn il-kitbiet jimraħ bla kwiet, jiddubita kontinwament il-post tagħna fid-dinja, l-istorja, u l-mitoloġija. Imma l-mistoqsijiet jibqgħu bla mwieġba. Huma l-mistoqsijiet, l-att ta’ ħolqien, u l-att tal-kompożizzjoni ta’ dal-poeżiji li jżommu lill-poeta ħaj, li jagħtu vuċi, aktarx, lill-immaġni li tixxennaq biex tinħeles.

Victor Pasmore Gallery u Inizjamed qed jorganizzaw it-tielet palk ħieles f’din is-sensiela, li tieħu bħala punt tat-tluq l-esperjenza u r-riżultat finali li ħarġu bih il-kittieba li pparteċipaw f’laboratorju tat-TRADUZZJONI li beda fuq il-post u kompla l-Valletta Design Cluster. Il-laboratorju offra qafas ta’ tliet livelli fejn l-arti tat-traduzzjoni setgħet tiġi esplorata: it-traduzzjoni fidila lejn il-poeżija ta’ Victor Pasmore mill-Ingliż għall-Malti (jew lingwi oħra); it-traduzzjoni tal-proċess tax-xogħol, ir-referenzi viżivi u letterarji tal-artist f’testi ġodda komposti bis-saħħa tal-intertestwalità; u t-traduzzjoni tal-immaġni f’test f’xorta ta’ ekfrażi tax-xogħol ta’ Pasmore.

Il-palk ħieles, madankollu, huwa miftuħ għall-poeti kollha li għandhom jew qed jaħdmu fuq traduzzjonijiet, speċjalment mill-Ingliż għall-Malti jew viċiversa. Se tkun lejla li matulha naqsmu dawn ix-xogħlijiet, kif ukoll l-isfidi u s-sejbiet li saru matul il-proċess tat-traduzzjoni.

Il-palk ħieles se jsir fl-14 ta’ Marzu fis-6pm il-Gallerija Victor Pasmore, il-Belt Valletta (275, Triq San Pawl). Din is-sessjoni tittratta l-idea tat-TRADUZZJONI.

Is-sessjonijiet kollha tal-palk ħieles huma bla ħlas u bilingwi (bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż). Huwa rakkomandat li tibbukkja minn qabel. Il-gallerija se tkun miftuħa għal żjarat, u l-konversazzjonijiet jistgħu jkomplu wara fuq tazza nbid bla ħlas.

Irriserva post billi tibgħat id-dettalji tiegħek bil-formola t’hawn taħt.

Għall-aġġornamenti segwi l-avveniment, u l-mezzi soċjali ta’ Inizjamed: Facebook and Instagram, u tal-Victor Pasmore Gallery: Facebook and Instagram.

Il-Victor Pasmore Gallery tinsab f’dan l-indirizz, faċċata eżatt tal-Knisja ta’ San Pawl: APS House, 275 Triq San Pawl, Valletta VLT1213.

An Open Mic with the Victor Pasmore Gallery

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Victor Pasmore Gallery (Valletta) and Inizjamed have joined forces for a series of open mics that started in 2024, inspired by Victor Pasmore’s work—a springboard and inspiration for a theme the general public is invited to engage with.

Amid his continued artistic explorations throughout his time in Malta (1966–1998), Pasmore dipped his pen in ink and began to write poems—verses, sometimes formed, sometimes found, that he eventually integrated into his paintings, prints, and publications. The content of these writings wander about restlessly, constantly questioning our place in the world, history, and myth. But the questions remain unanswered. It is the questioning, the creating, and composing of these poems, that keeps the poet alive, that gives a voice, perhaps, to an image that yearns to be free.

The Victor Pasmore Gallery and Inizjamed are organising the third open mic in this series, which takes as its point of departure, the results and experience of writers who participated in an on-site TRANSLATION workshop which then continued at the Valletta Design Cluster. The workshop offered a three-way framework in which the art of translation could be explored: the faithful translation of Victor Pasmore’s poetry from English to Maltese (or other languages); the translation of the work process, visual and literary references of the artist into new composed intertextual pieces; and the translation of image to text in a sort of ekphrasis of Pasmore’s work.

The open mic, however, is open to all poets who have, or are working, on translations, especially from English to Maltese or vice-versa. It will be an evening to share such work, as well as the many challenges and discoveries made in the process of translation.

The open mic be held on 14 March at 6 p.m. at the Victor Pasmore Gallery in Valletta (275, St Paul Street). This session deals with the notion of TRANSLATION.

All open mic sessions are free and bilingual (Maltese and English). Booking in advance is highly recommended. The gallery will be open for visits, and conversations may continue afterward over a complimentary glass of wine.

Reserve your spot by sending in your details through the form below.

For updates follow the event, and the social accounts of Inizjamed: Facebook u Instagram, and of the Victor Pasmore Gallery: Facebook u Instagram.

The Victor Pasmore Gallery is at APS House, 275 Triq San Pawl, Valletta VLT1213.

Formola ta’ Reġistrazzjoni / Registration Form