Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival
Author: <span>Inizjamed Amministrazzjoni</span>

Palk Ħieles — 26 ta’ Marzu 2021

Il-Palk Ħieles jirritorna waqt il-Festival tal-Ktieb fuq il-Kampus, din id-darba b’mod virtwali – tinsiex tirreġistra sabiex taqsam magħna kull tip ta’ poeżija, proża, kanzunetta jew stand-up. / Inizjamed’s Open Mic returns for the Campus Book Festival (CBF), this time in a virtual setting – don’t forget to register to share with us all kinds of poetry, stories, songs or stand-up. The CBF is once again collaborating with Inizjamed to share their enthusiasm towards literature by offering a platform for anybody wishing to share literary excerpts they are passionate about.

Open Mic

Open Mic session at Gugar Hangout and Bar, Valletta at 19:30. Free of charge and on a first come, first served basis. Interested participants will simply need to put their names on the list at the start of the event. The organisers are particularly interested in performance poetry/spoken word/slam. For more information write to:


As part of the Anti- Trafficking Awareness Campaigning events; Inizjamed presents: Macoustics. A musical live night with: Dara Meubrink, Racucu and Cholito, and Mistura.