Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival
Category: <span>Events 2023</span>

Life is bearable at times… a celebration of Wisława Szymborska – 30 June 2023

Together with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Malta, Inizjamed invites you to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of Wisława Szymborska – Nobel laureate in literature and the Grande Dame of Polish (but not only) poetry. Join us on 30 June 2023, at 7pm, at the Valletta Design Cluster!

Annie Ernaux: Matul is-Snin – 2 ta’ Marzu 2023

Annie Ernaux ma teħtieġx introduzzjonijiet. F’din l-attività se nisimgħu qari minn kitbietha bil-Franċiż u bil-Malti, uħud minnhom tradotti speċifikament għal din l-okkażjoni. / Annie Ernaux needs no introduction. During this event we will listen to readings in both French and Maltese, some texts having been translated specifically for this evening.

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