Category: Artikli 2021
Inizjamed se terġa’ lura lejn il-beraħ tal-Forti Sant Iermu biex ittella’ s-16-il edizzjoni tal-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura.
Poetry: transforming the ordinary into extraordinary
Authors Leanne Ellul and John Portelli lead workshops among Skolasajf students in the run-up to the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival being held this weekend Inizjamed annually seeks to give children and early teens a taste of its Malta Mediterranean Literature …
“Il-mużika qiegħda titjieb għax l-artisti qed ikunu iżjed vulnerabbli” – Michael Azzopardi
Michael, għamilt żmien tgħix barra minn Malta, xi ftit jew wisq ’il bogħod mill-ilsien Malti; issa donnok ġejt minn imkien tkanta bi lsienna. Għalija, kienet sorpiża mill-isbaħ. Meta qbadt il-kitarra jew il-pinna kemm kien naturali għalik li tuża l-ilsien Malti?
‘The many voices of the Mediterranean’ – Jean Paul Borg interviewed on the Times of Malta
As this year’s Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival comes onto the scene, Jean Paul Borg speaks to Lara Zammit about the festival and the place of literature in Malta.
‘How Greek mythology influenced my writing’ – Katerina Iliopoulou interviewed on MaltaToday
Poet Katerina Iliopoulou speaks to Elena Cardona on the inspiration she draws from Greek mythology, and how her work delves deep into the notion of memory.
‘She who sees poetry in the world’ – Miriam Calleja interviewed on Newsbook
Noel Tanti interviews Miriam Calleja: “If I had to meet Miriam now for the very first time, her tag would be ‘she who sees poetry in the world’.”
‘Survival of a Nomad’ – John Portelli interviewed on Newsbook
Novelist, poet and education professor John P. Portelli is one of Inizjamed’s guest writers for the 2021 edition of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival. Norbert Bugeja catches up with Portelli ahead of his participation at the Festival on Friday the 27th and Saturday the 28th of August.
‘Always in transit’ – Inua Ellams interviewed in the Times of Malta
Inua Ellams is a Nigerian poet, playwright, performer, graphic artist & designer based in the UK. Leanne Ellul gets the opportunity to ask him a few questions.
‘Reflections on the work ahead’ – Ghayath Almadhoun interviewed in MaltaToday
Poet Ghayath Almadhoun reflects on his position as refugee and how it has influenced his writing. Almadhoun is one of the invited authors of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival to be held at Fort St Elmo.
‘Writing is an act of exploration’ – Leanne Ellul interviewed in the Times of Malta
One of our invited authors, Leanne Ellul, is interviewed by Clare Azzopardi on the Times of Malta. Leanne will be performing at our Festival on Friday, 27th August.