Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival
Category: <span>FMLM</span>

Awturi 2016

Samantha Barendson (France) | Roja Chamankar (Iran) | Joe P. Galea (Malta) | Rodolfo Häsler (Cuba/Spain) | Elias Khoury (Lebanon) | Ciwanmerd Kulek (Kurdistan/Turkey) | Daniel Massa (Malta) | Marc Nair (Singapore) | Abderrahim Sail (Morocco) | Rita Saliba (Malta) | Mark Vella (Malta) | Abigail Ardelle Zammit (Malta)     Samantha Barendson hija …

Interviews 2015

Once upon a time, redefined – The Sunday Times of Malta | Gloria Lauri Lucente interviews Marina Warner ‘Libya is being eaten up by the disease of revenge’ – Malta Today | Teodor Reljic interviews Hisham Matar Sunday, August 23, …

2015 edition

Għat-tim tal-Festival ara isfel | How writers are invited: please read below Tamim Barghouti (il-Palestina) | John Bonello (Malta) | Norbert Bugeja (Malta) | Efe Duyan (it-Turkija) | Moez Majed (it-Tuneżija) | Hisham Matar (il-Libja/ir-Renju Unit) |Nadia Mifsud (Malta) | James …

Films 2015

Films at the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2015 Coordinated and presented by Caldon Mercieca Thursday 27th August 2015 A man dies in me A film based on the poem ‘A Man Dies in Me’ by Zhawen Shally. 2 mins, 2015, Kurdish …

Programm 2015

Tuesday 25th August | Special pre-Festival event  7.00pm – 8.00pm | Tunisia: An Encounter with Moëz Majed, Faculty of Arts Library, University of Malta, Msida. Everyone is welcome to attend. Organized by the Mediterranean Institute of the University of Malta in collaboration …

Writers 2015

 Tamim Barghouthi (Palestine) Tamim Al-Barghouti was born in 1977 in Cairo, Egypt. He is a Palestinian Egyptian poet and political scientist. His father is the Palestinian poet Mourid Barghouti, and his mother is the Egyptian novelist and scholar, Radwa Ashour. …

Writers 2014 b

2014 edition The IXth edition of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festivalorganized by Inizjamed will be held on Thursday 4th, Friday 5th and Saturday 6th September, at the Msida Bastion Historic Garden, in FLORIANA, with the participation of Noria Adel (Algeria), Clare Azzopardi (Malta), Antoine Cassar (Malta), Marc Delouze (France), Abdulrazak …