It-tħejjijiet għall-edizzjoni li jmiss mexjin ġmielhom. Dalwaqt nibdew intellgħu iktar informazzjoni fuq il-Festival u l-awturi mistiedna. Intant, dawn huma l-awturi Maltin li se jieħdu sehem fil-Festival: Rena Balzan, Antoine Cassar, Loranne Vella u Elizabeth Grech.
The Maltese Authors
Preparations for the next edition of the festival are well underway. Soon we will share more details on the Festival itself and on the guest authors. Meanwhile, here are the Maltese authors who will be taking part in the Festival: Rena Balzan, Antoine Cassar, Loranne Vella and Elizabeth Grech.
Rena Balzan Antoine Cassar Loranne Vella Elizabeth Grech