Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival

Kantawturi / Musical Acts 2023

Il-Kantawturi Mistiedna Għall-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta 2023

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Text in English below.

Cher Camilleri

Cher Camilleri. Ritratt ta'/Photo by Kirsty Vella.

Cher Camilleri hija kantanta u kantawtriċi elettronika minn Malta. Iddebuttat fl-2021 u sena wara ħarġet album. Il-kanzunetti ta’ Cher jimirħu fi spazji etereali, għandhom kwalità spiritwali rikka bl-emozzjoni u l-awtentiċità. In-natura artistika ta’ Cher hija sensittiva daqs kemm hi istintiva. Il-ħsejjes imlewna tas-synth jiżżewġu ma’ lirika li tlellex u flimkien jiżfnu fuq il-qċaċet u fil-widien tal-isfond melodiku, bħal spirti twajba minn dinja oħra mmexxijja minn tmellisa ġentili u ritmi propulsivi. Il-mużika ta’ Cher tipprovdi element ġdid fil-mużika Maltija li kapaċi jispira mużiċisti li jixtiequ jimxu fil-passi tagħha.

Ritratt ta’ Kirsty Vella.

Claire Tonna

Claire Tonna hija kantanta, kantawtriċi u artista queer magħrufa għall-vuċi kuntralt distinta tagħha, waħda li timraħ fil-multidimensjonalità u t-tisħiħ tal-emozzjoni umana.

F’dawn l-aħħar għoxrin sena, xogħol Tonna dar id-dinja kollha. Ħadet sehem f’bosta festivals u ħadmet f’teatri, spazji LGBTQI, ħabsijiet, kerrejja, ċentri tar-refuġjati u sptarijiet tas-saħħa mentali. Leħinha intlaqa’ tajjeb ferm minn udjenzi li apprezzaw is-sinċerità u l-ġenwinità fl-espressjoni tax-xogħol tagħha.

Fl-2019 rebħet il-premju bħala Best European Singer/Songwriter f’The Tour Music Fest, Sony (Italja) u Berklee College ta’ Boston ġewwa l-Istati Uniti.

‘Inkanta dak li jdewwili għadmi, b’ilsien li huwa tagħna lkoll – dak uman.’ — Claire.

Ritratt ta’ Kim Sammut.

Claire Tonna.

FMLM2023 FB Cover FMLM 20 Simple

The Musical Acts of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2023

Cher Camilleri

Cher Camilleri.

Cher Camilleri is an electronic singer-songwriter from Malta. Having debuted her music in 2021 and a full length album in 2022, Cher’s songs present an ethereal and otherwordly quality that are as rich in emotion as they are in authenticity. Cher’s sensitive and instinctive artistic nature comes through on her brightly coloured synth sounds and shimmering Maltese vocals, that glide across the peaks and troughs of her melodic scapes like benevolent spirits from another world, with a light touch and propulsive rhythms, Cher’s music contributes a new element to the Maltese musical landscape, one which can help spark the flames in those who aspire to follow her trail.

Photo by Kirsty Vella.

Claire Tonna

Claire Tonna is a queer Maltese singer, songwriter, performer renowned internationally for her distinctively contralto voice and writing, considered to be one that transmits the plural facets of human emotion and empowerment.

Tonna ’s works and performances have been taking place all over the globe in the last two decades inside theatres, festivals, LGBTQI spaces, prisons, slums, refugee centres, mental hospitals and many other spaces resonating with her truth filled music and vocation. 

The facets of her presence and voice are acclaimed to present the audience an experience of incomparable empowerment.

In 2019 she won the title and award of ‘Best European Singer/Songwriter’ rewarded by the Tour Music Fest, Sony (Italy) and Berklee College from Boston, United States. 

‘ I sing what heals my broken bones and sing them in the one voice we are; Human.’ — Claire.

Photo by Kim Sammut.

Claire Tonna.

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