Inizjamed is proud to announce a short-story masterclass with the EU Prize for Literature Winner, Jan Carson. The masterclass will consist of two 3-hour sessions, to be held on Friday, 28 and Saturday, 29 August at 10am.

Due to the new restrictions put in place by the British government, on travel between the UK and Malta, the masterclass will now be held online.
Bookings can be made through the form below.
Please register only if you are truly interested and committed, because places are very limited. All participants will be asked to put their cameras on. We are waving the fees we had originally put in place to mitigate expenses, however we would greatly appreciate it should participants wish to make a voluntary donation.
This masterclass is part of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival which is being held in partnership with Arts Council Malta.
Registration Form
English version below.
15-il Sena ta’ Letteratura

Wara l-miżuri mħabbra, ma baqax triq oħra ħlief li jiġi kkanċellat il-Festival. Madankollu, ħafna mix-xogħol li sar speċjalment mill-awturi mistiedna se jiġi ppreżentat lilkom aktar tard. Fi żminijiet bħal dawn, li l-ibbumbardjar bin-numri sar in-norma, għandna bżonn aktar is-suġġettività tal-kliem.
Inizjamed se ttella’ l-15-il edizzjoni tal-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura, b’differenza.
Wara li għal xhur sħaħ darna saret fortizza, se noħorġu barra u nidħlu f’fortizza oħra, dik ta’ Sant’Iermu. F’dan l-ispazju, se niltaqgħu f’distanza stretta minn xulxin waqt li nħallu l-letteratura u l-mużika tal-mistiedna tagħna tqarribna u ttaffi t-tbegħid fiżiku.
Il-postijiet huma limitati għal inqas minn 100 ruħ fi spazju li skont ir-regoli ġodda jista’ jilqa’ 240 persuna. Għalhekk huwa meħtieġ biljett ta’ €5 għal kull lejla li jista’ jinkiseb minn
Is-sigurtà se tkun prijorità. L-arti se tieħu ħsieb il-bqija.
Dan il-Festival qed jittella’ bi sħab mal-Kunsill Malti tal-Arti.
15 Years of Literature
Following the measures announced, we had to cancel the Festival in its physical form. However, most of the work already done by the guest authors will be shared with you in the near future. At times like these, where being bombarded with daily numbers has become the norm, we need, more than ever, the subjectivity of languages.
Inizjamed is organising the 15th edition of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival, with a difference.
After staying at home for whole months and treating it as a fortress, we are going to venture out and move to another fortress, the one of Saint Elmo. In this space, we can keep at a distance from each other while letting the literature and music of our guests draw us together and soften the physical gap.
Seats are limited to less than 100 people, in a space that according to the new rules affords 240. Therefore a ticket of €5 for each night is required and can be bought from
Security will be our priority. The arts will take care of the rest.
This year’s Festival is being held in partnership with the Arts Council of Malta.