L-awturi żgħażagħ Jake Buttigieg u Matthew Schembri huma l-ewwel residenti minn Malta magħżula minn sħab il-programm artistiku ta’ Ewropa Kreattiva Ulysses’ Shelter 3. Jake Buttigieg ser jintlaqa’ mill-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Kittieba Slovena u se jqatta’ ħmistax Ljubljana filwaqt li Matthew Schembri ser iżur lill-pubblikaturi Sandorf ġewwa Mljet, il-Kroazja. It-tnejn li huma ser imorru bejn ir-rebbiegħa u s-sajf tal-2023.
Young artists Jake Buttigieg and Matthew Schembri are the first resident writers from Malta to be chosen by the partners of the Creative Europe Ulysses’ Shelter 3 exchange programme. Jake will be hosted by the Slovene Writers’ Association in Ljubljana this summer while Matthew will be joining the publishers Sandorf in Mljet, Croatia in spring 2023.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.